You hum it, I'll play it - Terry Gillan

To those who get to stroll through the pages of Terry Gillan’s life, count yourself fortunate indeed.


$40.00 NZD

To those who get to stroll through the pages of Terry Gillan’s life, count yourself fortunate indeed. It reads like Terry speaks – quiet irony, words and phrases repeated like the steady rhythm of a grateful heartbeat. “Fantastic, magnificent, peaceful, Promised Land, adventure and the often used word lovely” are only some. Throughout this long journey he has never lost that sense of wonder even when things aren’t going well. Terry looks upon the rises and falls of circumstances as the natural end of that particular phase and the luck and chance for new beginnings. There are no huge emotions of this account of a life well spent. No big reveals. No regrets. However the gentle affection, that dry wit, the pride of a job well done and the seemingly understated love of his family are at the core of this wonderful mans’ existence.