Silver Lake
Greg Bowden was reluctantly and almost angrily, leaving his long time family home, which was now too large and lonely, but the decision to move to a retirement home had been made for him.
Thoughts of the remainder of his life were all negative. However he was warmly received by the staff at his new address, and introduced to several other residents. Greg was almost overcome with pride when one of the residents remembered him from his much younger athletic days.
Gradually, Greg came to enjoy his new home, living in an independent villa, and having the company of others as and when he chose for social outings, one of which was simply sitting by the lake at twilight watching the birds coming in to roost for the night.
However, one lady resident, Yvette Libeau, became quite special in Greg's life. They spent much time talking about their past, and their respective families. The adage “It's a small world” is not lost in this book.
Greg had wished for better outcomes within his own family and as this novel progressed, several turning points emerged.
"Silver Lake" is a romantic novel, with several side issues - some humorous and one or two sad, but all totally relevant to Greg and Yvette.